I crave these, constantly. I’m still trying to get my way with them but thought I would share what has worked with me so far.
You can just steam them or fry them for an extra crunch.
Not sure how authentic my way is but it works! This recipe is an accumulation of trials and errors from different recipes.
Pan Fried Vegetable Gyoza
Dumpling Dough
- 210 g All purpose flour
- 110 ml Boiling water
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 1 tbsp Minced ginger
- 1 cup Chopped shiitake mushrooms, or dehydrated shiitake (rehydrated)
- 2 cups Chopped cabbage
- 4 Chopped green onions
- 1 tsp Salt
- 1/2 tsp Black pepper
- 2 tsp Sesame Oil
- 2 tbsp Soya sauce
- 3 tbsp Oil I used olive
- 2 Grated carrots
Cooking The Dumplings
- 2 tbsp Sesame oil
- 1/3 cup Water
- 2 tsp Corn Flour or Potato starch
- 2 tsp Soya Sauce
- 1 tsp Sesame seeds
Dumpling Dough
- Mix the salt with the flour, add the boiling water and with a chopstick mix it well
- Turn the mixture onto a clean surface, and knead for 7-10 mins until a smooth dough is formed
- Rest it for 15 mins and then knead it again for 3 min
- Set aside
- Once you chop all your ingredients finely, heat the oil in a wok or skillet
- Fry your ginger and green onions until fragrant. Add the rest of the ingredients and fry for 5-7 minutes until they are wilted
- Remove from heat and add the sesame oil and soya sauce
Make The Dumplings
- Flour a clean surface
- Roll out the dough very thin, like 1 cm if you can, making sure it's floured well so it doesn't stick
- With a cup or a cookie cutter, cut circles until theres no dough left. Flour the dough discs so they don't stick together
- Place a tsp of filling into the dough disc and seal them by pinching the sides (youtube if necessary)
- Once done, brush the excess flour off the dumplings
- In a skillet, heat the sesame oil
- Put the dumplings in the skillet, and brown them 2 mins
- Mix the water, corn flour, soya sauce and sesame seeds
- Pour the liquid mixture, lower the heat, and cover the skillet for 5-7 mins until water has evaporated and dumplings have steamed
- Remove the cover and cook on high heat for another 2 min
- You can freeze the uncooked dumpling leftovers and store the extra filling in fridge